
I want to use this website as my outlet of expression. For that to happen, here are some disclosures. They are already implied, but I make some of them explicit here.

Personal opinion

I write everything here in my personal capacity. The views expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent my school, employer, or any other group I am part of.

Cardboard cutout

I write under the same name that is in my passport, but this is a character. As Derek Sivers explained, you’re getting to know a cardboard cutout of me. In person, I’m not as thoughtful and my personal opinions may have changed.


I aim to write accurately, but I cannot promise to write with 100% accuracy. If you spot errors, text or email me:1The “Last updated:” date, which can found at the bottom of certain webpages, does not mean I last made significant content changes on that date. It may simply mean I did some light formatting changes on that date. gj[at]guanjiefung.com

Artificial intelligence

Unless explicitly stated, all content on this website is written by myself. I may use AI-powered tools like Perplexity to research, but I do not copy-and-paste content from AI produced content to this website. If I use AI-generated artwork, I will also explicitly state so.

Use of information

The information shared here is not meant to be professional, medical, or legal advice. Please consult your professional, doctor, or lawyer for their advice instead.


Do not reproduce my content without my express and written permission. Email me if you’d like to seek permission. I will give credit for using the work of other people. Please also email me if I have failed to do so: gj[at]guanjiefung.com


My content may include affiliate or referral links, which can enable me to earn a commission.

  • 1
    The “Last updated:” date, which can found at the bottom of certain webpages, does not mean I last made significant content changes on that date. It may simply mean I did some light formatting changes on that date.